I always thought that the true warrior is the one who wins lots of war. Lately I just found out that the true warrior is the one who being defeated and come back stronger as before. Everything has consequences. The…
Buat yang banyak kerja di depan komputer, bisa ikutin Ergonomics guide biar engga gampang pegel. Saya sendiri combine sitting desk dengan standing desk yang dibikin sendiri pakai meja bertumpuk. Disarankan juga ambil periodik break tiap 1 jam atau tiap 30…
The True Warrior Is Not The One Who Win The War
I always thought that the true warrior is the one who wins lots of war. Lately I just found out that the true warrior is the one who being defeated and come back stronger as before. Everything has consequences. The…
Fivefishermen.ca is Live
Minggu ini spent 49 jam 50 menit Ditutup dengan Live nya Fivefishermen horreeee 😀
Banyak Kerja Di Depan Komputer? Hati-hati :)
Buat yang banyak kerja di depan komputer, bisa ikutin Ergonomics guide biar engga gampang pegel. Saya sendiri combine sitting desk dengan standing desk yang dibikin sendiri pakai meja bertumpuk. Disarankan juga ambil periodik break tiap 1 jam atau tiap 30…